Our History
St John’s United Church in Alliston, ON has seen many changes over the years. As early as 1842, the Methodist church was recognized by the Fletcher family (Alliston’s early settlers) as they attended church at Turnbulls Corner (later known as West Essa). In 1862, a Methodist hall was built in Alliston and following this, plans were made for the construction of this present church building. The church was built in 1872 at a cost of $6,512!
In 1891 a devastating fire burned most of the downtown, but the wind changed direction just before the fire reached the church, and it survived with only a few scorched trees!
In 1925, Presbyterians, Methodists and the Congregational members united to form the United Church of Canada. At this time there were 2 United Churches in Alliston: Knox United (formerly Presbyterian), on Victoria St. W., and Wesley United (present day St John’s).
In 1939, under the leadership of Rev. James Dorrian, the Wesleyan Minister, the two congregations joined. The decision was made to worship at the present location and it was re-named St John’s United Church.
A basement was dug under the sanctuary in 1958 for Sunday School– this is now Faith Hall. In 1965, due to the large number of Sunday School pupils, the Christian Education wing was built to the east of the sanctuary. The original Church Hall at the north end of the sanctuary, which housed the kitchen, meeting rooms, and Sunday School rooms, was demolished in 1976 and the present day Shilton Hall, kitchen and hallway were built.